Saturday, April 17, 2010

I am just exhausted

Throwing a party is a huge endeavour. I realize that I am not getting any younger as what I could do when I was 40, 50 or even 60, is far less than I can do now!

Chris, our assistant superintendent and I, went into the party room today to check to see if the plugs were all working and everything is fine. The room looks lovely and they have added a very long table which only needs a tablecloth to cover it and the food can be put on it. I went out and bought a pretty plastic one and so am set for that now.

I bumped into the newlyweds today and they look happy so that makes me very happy.

I just got an e-mail from one of my poet friends and she is unwell and fears that she may not be able to come to the party. I worry about her as she has serious health issues. I am glad that she has a husband who is very attentive. It will mean one less reader but her health comes first!

I have opened up the party to my building folk so perhaps some will come. I hope so.

My friend Mary is coming from Toronto and she will be here about 12:30 and knows the way so I will not have to go and pick her up at the bus station. It has been just too long since we have seen each other!

We go back at least 35 years and have been terrific friends over the years. I am so blessed with good people in my life.

I hope the party goes well tomorrow. I think I will go to bed early tonight so that I will be refreshed tomorrow and enjoy the day!

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