Sunday, November 30, 2014


I invited my friend Mohammad to come with me to this beautiful service which is poetry, music and readings from the Bible.  The choir sang like angels and the two soloists brought even more beauty to the already wonderful event. The congregation sang  both in German and in English which was wonderful.

A collection was taken at the service and a fair bit of money was raised and this was gifted to the Living Rock across the street which is a youth ministry.

As is usual, people were invited downstairs for  refreshments and they outdid themselves in the hospitality and generosity shown.  Scrumptious cakes and cookies, sandwiches, tea and coffee were served.

We walked back along James North and parted company where the bus stop was.  A very nice time and one I really look forward to each year.  Mohammad enjoyed himself as well which is nice.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Carmen and Wilma's party Nov. 23,2014

The weather was fine, no rain, no snow and no ice under foot.  Carmen arrived here about 10:30 and both she and Wally unloaded her Mary Kay things.

I had already taken more than half of my things downstairs and cleaned the counters where her products and the food would go.

We had 12 people show up, plus the two of us ,so happily we had prepared enough food and there was a little left over.

The coffee and tea went over well plus people ate to their fill.  It was a very nice afternoon.

My co-hostess Carmen

A cozy scene in our party room

This gorgeous Swarovski set was sold

Mary Kay products by Carmen

Mary Kay products - which Carmen sells

Our food we provided

A display on one side of the counter of the food we provided

Some people did not know each other but everybody mixed well.

Both Carmen and I were pleased with our sales and it is hoped that our guests enjoyed themselves.

A nice way to pass a cold day, inside where it is cozy!

Thanks for dropping by.  Have a good day.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Yesterday was a tiring day for me

Due to the deterioration of our locker room itself from a flood and years of just "being", all lockers had to be cleared out and put into another area of the building.

I decided to do it the first official day.  There were four dates mentioned.  I am glad that I did it  the first day as there were only two people who came down when I was there.  I would imagine that the last date will be so crowded with people that it will be a madhouse.  All our things will be in the new storage area for a minimum of two months and it is at our own risk as there are no lockers in there..

In spite of the dirt, mess and daunting task, I marched down there and started taking things out of my locker.  Most of my things were in big black garbage bags or sturdy rubbermaid boxes so they were easy to go through.

I found many treasures I had forgotten about!  It was almost like Christmas!

I had stored many empty boxes there just in case things broke down but after 12 years I was able to get rid of them.  That left it much easier for me to manage.

The mess from the ceiling was unbelievable!  Everything I brought upstairs had to be thorough washed which I will do over the next day or so.

In any event, near the end of my time in the basement, a friend helped me to carry some of the things into the new storage area.  I was exhausted by that time so I was most grateful for my friend's help.

Now starts the fun of trying to figure out where to put my most precious things that I just could not leave down there without the benefit of a lock and separate storage unit.

I took a break from my tutoring job for that day and from the club as I knew it would be exhausting work and that I would need to rest.

I did manage to make bean roll-ups for the party and only need to make one more batch and then everything is ready and I can relax.

Thanks for dropping by and have a great day!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Sunday with snow

It has been falling steadily. As I look out my window, the tempting smell wafting out  of my kitchen drifts past my nose and I lick my lips in anticipation of testing one to make sure they are suitable for the upcoming party next Sunday.  I am glad to be indoors as the snow drifts past my window.

This weekend has been very busy with St. John's Bazaar yesterday where I always pour coffee and tea and then today, the 181st Anniversary of St. Paul's.

Both events were nice. At Saturday's bazaar I was very tired as jumping up and down serving coffee continuously for more than 121 people tends to tire me out.  It is a bottomless cup for $1.00 which is the best price in town!  People were enjoying that benefit three and four times!

The meal was chicken schnitzel, hot German potato salad and a bun.  There also were so many fantastic tortes  (cakes) to choose from.  The prices were extremely reasonable and the food out of this world.  The church hall was packed and they started serving the lunch about 11 a.m.  There were more people than normal who came out and they ran out of schnitzel. Several of my friends who had planned to come, were unable to at the last moment but two people did and I was glad to see them.

Available for sale were many beautiful hand crafted items, scarves, knitted hats, mittens and some lovely crocheted blankets.  The cake table was overflowing with some very fancy cakes and home made breads.

I came home from there tired but happy for a very successful bazaar.

Today, Sunday was the 181st anniversary of the founding of St. Paul's as well as the farewell for two long time members who have served the church so faithfully for many, many years.  They are moving to another province.

The meal (free will offering) was cabbage rolls, sausage with yellow peppers  and bread buns.  For desert there were two store bought cakes, one to honour the anniversary and one to honour the departing members.

All in all, a very lovely day spent with nice people.

Thanks for dropping by.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Dundas Art Walk 2014

It was a dry day but chilly.  A small crowd gathered around a man and a woman. Curious onlookers in passing cars might have thought there was some attraction holding the crowd's attention and they were right. Once a year, Tower Poetry Society and Carnegie Gallery artists participate in a joint event, which showcases not only the gorgeous art work available for sale at Carnegie Gallery but also the work of local poets.  The two people were readers who performed the poetry which was displayed in the strong front windows.

It was interesting to observe the reactions of the people walking down the main street of Dundas, curious to know what was going on, but yet hesitant to join in.

After the walk around the down town Dundas street we all trooped into the Carnegie Gallery where wonderful teas and refreshments were set out for us.  It was good to be out of the cold!

Here are some shots of the occasion.

One of my selections  

One of the beautiful flower arrangements still living outdoors on Dundas.

Valerie Nielson

Bernadette Ryan

There were so many excellent displays in the store front windows and we stopped at each one as the two readers took turns reading aloud the poetry.

Jennifer Foster's poem

Our Indoor reading pictures:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Noise

Edith Piaff, a now deceased famous French singer, is making me feel as if I were momentarily in France, enjoying the culture, language and sights and sounds of the country.  Her history is very interesting.  Google it for more information on her.

My "mini-trip" to France is cut short by a howling sound which makes the goosebumps stand up on my arms.

The day outside is grey and dull plus I would assume chilly.  The wind, which has created the howling noise way up here, seems to be quite brisk.  There are two things I could be doing out of the house, but today I decided to treat myself to a day of doing nothing but read and vegetate.

I find the weather (lack of sun) affects me.  I tend to be full of energy when the sun is bright and sunny, but lack the energy to do much constructive during the dull days.

Ah well, I have another reserved book at the library to pick up eventually and am in the midst of reading a good one right now - also from the library.

Have a good day.

Monday, November 3, 2014

What a lovely Sunday it was

It was the 11 o'clock service and I went to St. John's.  It was a special day as it was All Souls Day and people who had lost loved ones could come up and light a candle to remember them. There have have 14 deaths this year at the church and each name was read out by the pastor.

After the service, we went downstairs for coffee and I sat with my friend Rosie who is not feeling well at this time.

After that, my Chinese friends came to sit with me and together with my Indonesian friends, we all went down to Ottawa Street to look around.

Only a few shops were open - mostly shops selling antiques.

We then decided to go to a real Chinese food place and eat there. The menu was in Cantonese with small English translations under each item.

The portions were huge, and I ate as much as I could, then brought the rest home. I already had one plateful this morning and then perhaps tomorrow I will finish it off.

The Chinese ladies came up to my apartment with me and stayed for a short visit.

All in all, a very nice visit with four friends.