Friday, July 26, 2013

Blind no more: 'It’s like I’m a child all over again'

Blind no more: 'It’s like I’m a child all over again'

This article made me tear up as I too lost my sights over a period of time and was blind  in one eye until at age 25 I had a cornea transplant more than 40 years ago.

I cannot stress how important it is for others to donate parts of their body which can be transplanted after death to help another.

Obviously, long ago I signed my donor card.

Thanks for dropping by.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Visit from Pam, Brian and Janet

Their plane from Toronto was delayed until 10:30 p.m so instead of coming here for 1 p.m. they called from London, Ontario and came about 2:45. It worked out well as it meant we could spend more time together.

I had been trying to call the Mahal restaurant for the last few days but never got through.  Pam enjoys Indian food and this is a real treat for her as they cannot get it back home in Cape Breton.

It turns out it is closed due to the construction on the street.

After a short visit at home, I called the club and said that we were coming over for tea.  I took them on a tour of the club first and then we all enjoyed tea and light refreshments in the Den.

Pam, my sister-in-law pouring her tea
The nice thing about the tea menu is that there is so many different types of tea to choose from.  I stay away from caffeine in the afternoons and there is a good selection of loose herbals teas as well as other kinds of tea.  They also have a good selection of coffee if one wanted coffee.  The desert menu was exception and every one of us chose something different and all were pleased by their selection.

Janet and her Dad, my brother Brian

Pam and Brian outside of Pam's Coffee Shop in Jackson's Square

We thought it would be a nice shot as the coffee shop has the same name as Pam
We went to the mall to see the new Chinese grocery store and we gals went into it while Brian went to Cole's and browsed there.  Pam saw many of the familiar things from China that they were used to and was able to tell us what some of them were.  They have spent so much time in China teaching the university students that they are familiar with Chinese things now.

There is one huge frozen fruit there which if you open it up, the smell will be terrible.  In fact, it is banned in some hotels as it is such a disgusting smell.  It was the size of a football.  Apparently the taste of it is wonderful but I think I will pass on it.

Both Janet and Pam thought that the prices at the new store were very reasonable. We didn't buy anything - it was just to show them.  I will go, at some point, to get some more groceries. I just love having the supermarket so close to me!

Brian bought a book so he was happy as well.  

Pam and Janet

They left shortly after six to go to Toronto and the airport there.  Happily, they had a direct flight to Sydney, N.S. and my grand nephew Joey will pick them up about 1 a.m. this moring.

They surely will need to rest!

What a wonderful time we all had.  I did try and convince them to take a bus down to Princess Point but they don't do buses so I shelved that idea.  We could have driven down in Janet's car but then she would have had to pay parking down there.

Perhaps next time they come to Hamilton, I will try again to convince them.

I have had that reaction before from car drivers and so it made me laugh.  Some of my friends at the Club don't do buses either!

A lovely, cool day with family.  I felt so sad when they left as I won't see them for at least another year.

Thanks for dropping by.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Visit to Kitchener

The ride up was very smooth and there was very little traffic at 10:30 a.m.  I love the scenery the way this bus goes.  From Toronto it is straight highway but from Hamilton it goes through Dundas and many other smaller places until it reaches Cambridge and then Kitchener.

I actually saw horses in a field and some crops planted as the bus meandered its way through the many little towns.  I enjoy looking at the houses and how people decorate their front lawns for the summer.  The grass was very green and healthy looking and it was the perfect time of year to go there.

Happily, it was also a cooler day with not too much humidity so it was very enjoyable to travel.  The bus is air conditioned as are the Kitchener city buses but I am glad that I did not go during the intense heat!

They live on the outskirts of Kitchener now more towards the Guelph side and so we don't go down town much any more.  I do miss that as there are several shops I like there.

I suggested to Billy when we met at the bus station in Kitchener that we go out to lunch (my treat) to Arby's which is near them.  I called Anna to ask her to meet us there and she got there before we did!

They have a lovely fresh market sandwich with curly fries which is delicious and very filling.  We all had that, plus drinks.

After that we walked back to their place and had a nice visit.  I had brought them some new water bottles and several other things which would be useful to them.

Billy took me back down town in time for the 4:30 bus and I got back to Hamilton by 6:05 which was great.  No traffic, smooth ride.

Today I am expecting company for lunch and will look forward to another visit.

Thanks for dropping by.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chinese Muslims banned from fasting in Ramadan

Chinese Muslims banned from fasting in Ramadan

Many people do not understand the benefits of fasting and will think that the above is good for the Muslims in China not to be allowed to fast during Ramadan.

Ramadan is not only a month of fasting but it is a month of religious observances, families getting together and communities gathering for Iftar (the breaking of the fast meal each night)

It is a time of special prayers and a time of spiritual rejuvenation where many people try and renew a right spirit within them.

Thus, being deprived of being able to fast, also comes with the high price of not being allowed to gather together and be a community.

This is a very hard price for the Chinese Muslims to pay.  May God give them courage and strength.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cousin Frank's wonderful wooden jewellery

Ah, the heat is just too much for me and for many other people.  I am so very fortunate to have central air here plus I use my fans as well.  The heat keeps me a prisoner far more than the winter cold does!

I sure hope that the concert today is in the Stable and not out in the garden otherwise I doubt if I can stay for long.

I have stocked up on books from the library and am prepared with food and water for a siege of several days.  I usually do that for the winter months but the summers here are getting hotter and hotter all the time and I am finding, as I grow older, that the heat bothers me a great deal.

I was talking to my cousin Frank in Florida the other day and he said it was only in the 70's there.

Cousin Frank has only a short time left to live as the doctors can not do anything more for him about the cancer.  I am so happy that he has a wonderful lady beside him and that they are like two peas in a pod.  Carmen now has my e-mail and skype addresses in case of emergency. She is a lovely lady who is originally from Puerto Rico, but she lived many years in New York City.

My cousins and I were very close in Lachine until my aunt and uncle moved to Florida.  It was because of my uncle's health and he left a good paying job with a secure future ahead of him for an uncertain future in a warmer climate.  We all reunited once my father retired and they spent many happy hours with my aunt and uncle when they went to their mobile home in Florida each year.

I had also brought my children to Disney World when Anna was a teenager and we stayed with Cousin Peggy at that time and in the early 90's I went several times to Florida to see my aunt and uncle and of course, saw my cousins at the same time.

Cousin Frank is a whiz with woodworking and he sent me some of his jewellery that he makes.  I just love it as it is not something that you can buy and he made it specially for me.

I will take a few shots of the wooden jewellery to show you his talent.

On the heart jewellery he had put a chain but I have allergies to nickel so I removed the chain and will crochet a cord on it today and wear the set to the concert so that the gals can see what he has made.

They are lightweight and beautiful and unique.

Here are some pictures.

Cousin Frank's wonderful set

This is especially touching for me

The turtle is also hand made but in Cuba and was brought to me by my friend Mary when she returned from a trip there.  I just thought what a good match they are.  It is a compass and a tongue-in-cheek gift, as Mary knows my lack of sense of direction!

On another note, while I was at the mall, I dropped into the eye glass place and ordered new lenses as mine are badly scratched. It has been about 11 years since I bought them.  I had had a good deal at that time and purchased two pairs of  prescription glasses for the price of one, so I asked them to use the unused frame of the sunglasses and they had my eye specialist fax them my prescription and now I will have new glasses.

As I have sight in only one eye now, it will be good to have clear, unscratched lens so that I can see unhindered.

In about 8 days, I will have the new glasses which I am looking forward to.

Thanks for dropping by and I hope you enjoyed seeing Cousin Frank's wonderful handwork.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

This and that

This afternoon I decided to hop on the shuttle bus and go down by the water and read.  I brought my walker with me as it is a ready made seat and I can park anywhere I can find shade down there.

That is the only trouble with Pier 8, there is very little shade.

I took a few shots while I was there and here they are.

The ever present Canada Geese

The problem with the geese is their droppings, otherwise they are very graceful and don't seem to mind us humans being around them.

About 5:45 I hopped on the shuttle bus and came back home. I was glad I went and enjoyed my reading time at the Pier.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The rishta rat-race that destroyed my friend’s life

The rishta rat-race that destroyed my friend’s life

This article shows the devastation which can happen to people if they are continually rejected.  It not only can be for marriage but for other important aspects of life, such as jobs.

It made me very sad to read this.  I hope it will make other people think about their own self worth and their own good achievements.  Marriage is good only if the people involved are compatible and share the same values.

The rishta rat-race that destroyed my friend’s life

The rishta rat-race that destroyed my friend’s life

Saturday, July 6, 2013

A visit from the two Bettys

I had a very pleasant surprise yesterday when I picked up the phone to answer it. It was a lady I had met many years ago who lived in Brantford.  It turns out that her cousin Betty, a friend since I was 18, was visiting from Montreal and they wanted to come to see me.

I happened to be free that day so they came and we had a good time.  They had lunch at the club and then we went to the shopping center and they bought some clothing.

We also checked out the new grocery store at the same time.

It was lovely to see both of them.

The two Bettys - Montreal and Brantford

Montreal Betty and I

Typical Betty, looking for something in her purse!

It was so nice to see both of them again.

Thanks for dropping by.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Meeting Naiwang for the first time

A mix up occurred at the Toronto end, and thus Nasima and Naiwang were not able to travel to Hamilton together.

I was sad to see that Nasima could not come but hope to see her after Ramadan has finished.

Nai got here closer to 4 p.m. as she had gotten lost.  Happily we did get together and we went to the Club for a late lunch.

She had brought back a lovely purple bamboo scarf from China for me and a handmade sachet which smells lovely.  She also brought me a copy of the finished book which I had edited.

Curious Boots and the handmade sachet

The book I edited

I had just washed the purple scarf and it is now hanging to dry so cannot put it on the blog for now.

It was lovely to meet Naiwang and we got a long great - as if we had known each other for years.

Thanks for dropping by.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Tall Ships at Pier 8 in Hamilton, Ontario

My friend Mohamed and I met down at Pier 8 as he takes the shuttle bus at a different location than I do.  We had arranged it so that whoever got there first, would wait at a certain spot at Pier 8.

I was late arriving as the shuttle bus took a long time in getting to my corner and it was packed like sardines in a tin.  Three wheelchairs, two or three walkers and a baby carriage plus people who were more mobile - all crowded into a longer type of city bus.  Fortunately the mood of the people was festive so that helped and what also helped was that it was a very short ride down to the waterfront!

The driver was very helpful and put the ramp down so that people in wheelchairs and walkers could leave that way.  I was one of the people who took their walker as I knew there would be no seats available once people were down there.  I also brought my cane so that Mohammed could use it.  He forgot his and he used it all during the time we were down there.  He had gone there yesterday and had fallen on a wire which was on the ground so I was glad to see him using the cane to steady himself.

Here are some shots of the tall ships and what we saw down there.

The Tall Ships

We did not bother going on a tour of the ships but just wandered around there to see what was going on.  There were so many people at Pier 8, I have never seen it this crowded in all the times I have been down there.

We went into a large tent to see quilts as well.  Here are some pictures.  There were several ladies working on quilt pieces at a table.  It certainly is fine work and needs a steady hand and good eyes to do this type of fine art.

Pier 8 was like a magical kingdom with tents scattered here and there, people selling crafts and many other things. There also was a variety of food trucks down there with all kinds of choices.

I particularly enjoyed seeing the small boats in the pool and see them moving.  Here are some shots below.


Of all the things I saw down there, I enjoyed the quilt tent and this water show the most.  Mohammed and I dropped into Williams Coffee Pub and shared an amazing waffle with ice cream, strawberries and whipped cream.  It was yummy to say the least!  This site will not allow me to put more pictures on so may have to start another blog entry to finish this off.

Thanks for dropping by and have a great day.