Thursday, June 24, 2010

A.G.M. for Arts Hamilton and ArtShare afterwards

It was quite an enjoyable event. I met some of the board members and even found out one of them is the brother of my family doctor! I did not take my camera with me this time as I thought I would leave just after the meeting ended but I stayed on to hear some of the musicians sing and play. Judith and Ron put on a lovely spread at the end of the meeting and Arts Hamilton picked up the tab for it.

I am certainly very glad to have stayed for the musicians - they were darn good and I enjoyed it very much. Now I know who Dave Pomprey is.

I met a very nice lady called Diane who sat with Jean, Susan and I. She is an artist and we have exchanged business cards.

All in all, a lovely evening and I am glad I went. Ron gave an interesting talk about how he and Judith met and how they have found Hamilton. Ron played his violin during the musical session and I enjoyed that very much also.

I am looking forward to the busker protest on Friday!

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