Monday, September 12, 2011

Whitehern Gals and Guys last picnic for the season

The parkette

My weeping willow tree and a shot of one side of the parkette.
It turned out to be a fantastic day as the weather was 77 degrees F, with a nice  breeze.  The sun shone brightly and my beloved Weeping Willow tree swayed gently back and forth, caressing the picnickers below.

I got there first so I could stake our claim to the picnic table under the tree, spread out my two folding umbrella chairs and waited for the gang.

James was the first to arrive.  I had made a mistake saying it was Bold. So that threw him off a little bit but he managed to find it.  I felt badly about that as he is walking with a cane now.

Grace and Mary came next and called me to come to the fence to tell them how to get up from the parking lot which I did.  In fact, I walked there to meet them so there would be no mistake.

Anita arrived with the pizzas and we all had a good time enjoying them, each other's company, telling jokes, and finally Jeff came on his bike. He was teaching waterfit until 12 noon.

Left side - James , Grace
Rigjht side - Jeff, Anita, Mary

Our picnic ended about 2ish but I stayed behind to read and enjoy the breeze and my wonderful weeping willow tree.  I left around 3:30 and walked home down the hill and past the Y.

Before I left thought, I had the interesting experience of seeing an old man do a strip tease.  I thought it was so funny.  He saw me sitting under the willow tree reading, he went to a nearby bench, took off his shirt, then I glanced up and saw him unbuckle his belt, then the pants slide down around his ankles. Then he sat on the bench and took off his shoes and socks.  I was a tad nervous that he might not stop there as he had only underwear on (boxer shorts).  However, he must have been a sun worshiper, as he lay on the bench, put his cup over his face, and stretched out.

I told one of the gals who called me this evening of the excitement she missed.

Times sure have changed, if an old man of at least 65, could feel that he could stretch almost naked on a city bench and feel comfortable doing it!  Oh well, it takes all kinds to make a world.  

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