Sunday, October 10, 2010

A lovely Thanksgiving Sunday 2010

Went to St. John's today and took some shots of the decorated church as well as Pastor Frank.

part of the decorations

Note the old milk urn
Pastor Frank

After the service, I went with Rosie's to her place and we had a lovely dinner together.  She is a good and faithful friend plus is a fabulous cook!

Lovely food that Rosie prepared
Desert and coffee
To top off this wonderful day, we went to the trail that I discovered yesterday in Westdale.  Rosie had never been there before so it was great to be able to introduce her to it.

We walked as far as the bridge and then walked back to the car.

A shot of part of the trail

It was a glorious walk and we met so many nice people on the trail who were very friendly and out enjoying themselves.  There were plenty of dogs out taking their humans for a walk (for truly that is what happens)  couples walking, lone videographers,  single people just enjoying the time in God's creation and my friend and I.  Everybody was so friendly.

I loved the look of these roots of the old tree, reminded me of the wrinkles of a really old person. This tree has seen so much of life, just like a really old person.
There were plenty of curved spots where lovely vistas delight the eye.  A beautiful spot to commune with nature.

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