Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Playing around with different colour backgrounds

It was great fun and I have to agree that it is nicer without the flash. Kevin said there is plenty of light in here to take pictures during the day without the flash. I think things are better now.

a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiSzJlinzeZqm1xxS6zeT7JI9Gp-y3lqCOnQVXWM48xDiU2orGbSHmwzkqZEOpRoBJXoIrXVtAzvk7VbWVlPE6MqpB9pdaXni4Yf1ustQTZdQqhVT9UGXr5ceABmYN4plh5XyAZnia8-MQ/s1600/Kev's+shots+023.jpg">

My friend Kevin came over and he is an excellent photographer. He showed me how to block out the flash and put different coloured backgrounds and now my pictures are much better.

Here is a sample of some of them.

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