Thursday, May 18, 2017

A gorgeous beautiful day today

How pleasant it is to look outside and see the sun shining, observe people walking the streets outside with only a light jacket or none at all.

It is the Victoria Day weekend and Monday will be a day off work for the working people.  I used to look forward so much to have that extra day just to relax instead of trying to rush doing housework and cooking for the family for the coming week, it actually gave me time just to relax and do nothing or to go somewhere nice!

Now that I am retired and happily so, my days seem to fly by even faster.  Of course it takes longer for me to get things done and one of my priorities is a clean and hopefully, tidy home.  I love my home and it is the place I go for comfort and stability when the world outside is going crazy.

I can close the door and listen to soothing classial music or religious music and my cares and worries melt away as if by the wave of  a magic wand.

I have always loved my home, which ever city it has been in and I am happy to see order in it and at the same time, a sense of peace and security.

I do remember when I lived on Gulliver in Toronto, I had a break and Enter happen and for at least a week, I was afraid to be there but gradually I was able to overcome this fear.  My insurance agent said to me that it was good none of us were home, as he had just come from a client who had surprised a burglar and he was badly beaten up and in the hospital.

I am grateful to live in a smaller city now and my stress level has definitely dropped since moving here fourteen years ago.  Unless I go back to my home town to live out my final years, I will remain here.  I love the trails, being by the water and just the availablility of things to purchase or places to go,  I also now have a group of very close friends here which is wonderful.

If I went back home to live, I don't speak enough French to use the services necessary as my cousin tells me that all the necessary services are in French only.  I also know only my cousin now and her family.  I am so happy, though, that I belong to a group from my former hometown and keep up the news and see so many pictures of the place. We have so many good photogrphers in that group.

I look forward to seeing them each day on Facebook.

Well, on that note, shall close for now.  I am invitd to my son's place for  belated Mother's Day celebration and he is cooking turkey.  He is a darn good cook!

Thanks for dropping by and have  good day.

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