Tuesday, December 8, 2009

E.L.W. Christmas party

It was a lovely afternoon, spent with compatible people. The weather was neither hot nor cold, no snow, no rain, but just right in my opinion.

We had a few guests come which were very warmly received by the ladies. Our President, Kathe A. welcomed everybody and many people, including myself, took part in the programme which followed.

As is usual, the programme was well run and people were attentive.

One does not need to have any supper after the wonderful smorgasbord of food that was provided by the Hostess Committee.

Those ladies have certainly outdone themselves, each time seems to be even more splendid than the last time.

Several men were also guests which included Pastor Frank and Herbert. Herbert does a great deal for the ladies group and is much appreciated. Pastor Frank brought a short topic on a hymn and explained it significance.

All in all, a good afternoon.

This evening, I have another function, and so must rest up before going out again!

Evening Hours

I was really glad that I went to Lit Chat. Only five of us turned up but of the four people who read their stories, I found each one different and of interest.

I had updated my "Sally's Blanket" story to bring it up to date. This story came out of the street work I did in Toronto in the mid-80's. It sure brought a lot of memories back for me with this story and when I read it to the group, I think it touched a few hearts. That was my intention, to bring to the forefront the different reasons why people end up on the street and to put a more human face on the situation.

I believe I may just have achieved that.

All in all, a very good day!

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