Friday, March 21, 2014

Some excitement I can do without today!

I got a call from my next door neighbour at about 2 p.m. today asking me if I was expecting anybody at my door.  I said no and asked him why.

It turns out that there was a woman standing outside my door for about 5 minutes.  He did not hear her knocking, she was just standing there.   When he went up to her, he asked her who she was visiting and she did not answered and ran away down the hall and down to the next floor. At that point, she pushed the elevator button but when it arrived, she did not get in but ran down some more stairs.

At the present moment, she is somewhere in the building and the police have been called.  That was almost two  hours ago and I guess this is definitely not a high priority call.

By the description, I think I know who the lady is and I called COAST as they deal with mental health issues.

My concern is for her as she is not very stable right now.


Linda said...

Wow, that is something. It is so nice that you are concerned for her. I hope that she will be O.K. Sometimes people with mental illness take medication, and they are fine when they are taking it, but if they stop taking it their behaviour changes immensely.

Wilma Seville said...

Thank you Linda for your comment. Mental illness should be treated in the same manner as having a physical illness, Compassion and understanding are essential and getting the right medication to help balance the person is also essential. It can happen to anybody.

Wilma Seville said...

Thank you Linda for your comment. Mental illness should be treated in the same manner as having a physical illness, Compassion and understanding are essential and getting the right medication to help balance the person is also essential. It can happen to anybody.