Friday, October 10, 2014

Something to look forward to

I lunched with three delightful and interesting ladies yesterday at the Club.  Two of the younger women I met for the first time.  I am so pleased that Linda arranged this event.  We all got along very well and had something amazing came out of this encounter.

One of the girls has Lime Disease and she wants to share her story in order to encourage others with this horrendous affliction.   Disease, when you take the word apart, "dis  ease", signifies to me that the body is not at ease whether from Cancer, Lime Disease, Arthritis or any of the numerous illnesses and afflictions that mankind is susceptible to.  I have always thought that stress and an unhappy spirit affects the human body and that a more holistic approach would be a better plan to heal people.

I remember one lady I used to know in Toronto who was bedridden for two years, unable to help herself, and going from doctor to doctor seeking help and just getting more and more meds without a satisfactory resolution to her health problem.  If I am recalling correctly as it was maybe thirty years ago by now, this lady took herself off all her meds and went another route in the non-traditional health care field and eventually returned to full health.The interesting part of it was that she then became full of energy and able to live a complete and happy life.

I digress, as usual, but the upshot of this luncheon engagement is that I will interview this young person and then assist her to get started and complete this sharing of her experiences in writing.

I shall look forward to getting to know both these young women at a deeper level and although they live in another area of town, one of the girls drives so we will be able to get together.

With the wonders of the computer age, there is always Skype to chat on, or email to send things back and forth.

That is how I was able to edit the Chinese senior students work from Markham for their book - via computer.  Also, the work of the Chinese lady in the States who hired me was done this way. We first met through Skype and then we did the work through email.  In the case of the students from the school board, I met their co-ordinator who came to see me in Hamilton.

With this computer age, it has become a very small world.  Like anything, it can be used to foster good or it can be used to do evil.

I am thankful for my computer and being able to keep in touch with friends from several countries.

Have a nice evening and thanks for dropping by.

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