Sunday, March 31, 2019

An update and a birthday bash

It has been more than one month now since my heart had major problems.  During this month I have basically stayed at home and just rested as I was left very weak.  At the beginning of this week my son and his family invited me out to Swiss Chalet which I really enjoyed.  I did not take any pictures at that time as I needed a new camera as I ruined the old one!   It was entirely my own fault, I should have sprayed the cleaner onto a cloth and then wiped the camera but alas, my brain was not working properly, and I ruined the camera.  A lesson learned! 

Yesterday afternoon and into the evening I along with nine other people celebrated our friend Mohamed's birthday.

Mona, his workmate, her husband Felix and their son Amiel arranged a wonderful gathering to celebrate Mohamed's birthday.

I only knew Mona and her husband and Mohamed so I had the opportunity to get to meet some lovely new people.  

Amiel picked me up and brought me home again for which I am most thankful!

Here are some pictures.

The  birthday boy at his home

Felix, Sanjeet and Mohamed

The birthday cake  - Mona standing beside Mohamed

Two cousins from Egypt

Mona and Mohamed's cousin 

These pictures are taken by me and I am not altogether satisfied with them as the room was a little dark for my inexpensive camera.

Other people used their cell phones to take pictures so hope to see them eventually.

Mona had asked me to say a few words so I tried to make it as funny as I could and thankfully people got my sense of humour!

All in all, a lovely party and Mohamed enjoyed it very much as did we all.

Thanks for dropping by.